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Do you need a marketing partner?

Marketing can be overwhelming and requires one to stay constantly informed about changes in technology, trends, market data and all kinds of other things which can impact our efforts. Keeping up to date is one of our specialties and is one of the reasons we make a strong partner.

If you are a marketing director and want someone to help you out with the complexities of marketing a large company in this volatile landscape and to make you look awesome at your next board meeting, give us a call.

If you are an agency and would appreciate a strong, help hand in delivering great results for your clients and earning more from them, please get in touch with us.

If you are a business owner and find yourself daydreaming about being able to simply run your business and not worry about marketing, we’d love to talk with you.

Learn more about Marketing Strategy

Learn more about Brand Management

Steve Bennett

Contact Information:

Phone: (517)358-6794      Email:

Steve Bennett is the co-founder and partner of Real Big Marketing. He is a proud father and husband. In his spare time he enjoys camping with his family and exploring the great outdoors. He’ll take the backpack before the suitcase any day. He’s also a technology buff, golf enthusiast and down-hill skiing wanna-be.

At work, Steve enjoys sharing his passion for White Hat marketing. He brings ideas that are unique to each situation and has a knack for understanding what works and what does not. His favorite quote is, “If you can’t do it right, don’t do it.”

Steve has been writing technically for over 15 years, He’s also managed sales, marketing research and direct marketing efforts for over 13 years. He is an engaging public speaker with a passion that is simply contagious.

Steve is a 1999 graduate of Western Michigan University’s Graphic and Printing Science (Imaging) program. He was Marketing Sherpa’s 2011 silver award winner – Best Integration of Email with Other Channels. Steve can occasionally be found on Twitter, @BigActual.

Full Service Social Media Management

The acceptance of Social Media as an effective communication and marketing channel has increased the demand for Social Media Management.If your target audience is available on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or other networks, adding Social Media Management will be an important part of your marketing mix. It will also be a major component of a full Strategic Marketing Plan. 

Our Social Media Management Methodology

Build a Social Media Strategy for your brand

We listen extremely well.  It’s important to understand your reason to exist and your reason to participate in Social Media. It’s also important to understand the demographics of your target audience. This helps achieve more than growth of an internet audiences from entertainment or education. Both are good, but the right strategic choices find people who are passionate about your brand and focus effort in developing those relationships. Our team works with you to plan a strategy that will not just bring in fans, but will generate real leads and build passionate, loyal tribes.

Social Media Management does more than build an audience.


It goes without saying that the web is interconnected. But often we miss out on understanding just how deep the connections go. Beyond the major players such as Google, Facebook, Linkedin, Fousquare and Yahoo, there are a host of Social Networks. There are also hundreds of listing sites. They come and go with the tides of society. Sometimes it’s even relevant to create your own Social Media Website. Regardless, implementing a consistent Social Media Strategy and Management Across Multiple Platforms maintains the integrated message designed for your brand. This is the starting point. We establish and make consistent your presence on those social networks that will provide the most benefit to your business.

Deliver – Listen, Interact, Promote

Making the most of social media requires two things. The ability to listen to your customer and the ability to interact with regular activity.  We publish Fresh Interactive Content  and professionally deliver custom campaigns. Making the most of Facebook Applications and other  tools such as polling, coupons, embedded content such as Pinterest Pictures and Video is another set of tools that should be used regularly.

Paths to Conversion

Turning Fans Into passionate followers and customers is the fun part. Implementing the technology to automate the process is the important part.  Social networking isn’t about having fun. It’s a fun job but it’s not the goal. It’s about providing your best clients and your worst customers with the opportunity to communicate with your team. Communication is the key.

Customers want to hear about your team. They want to know about your specials and your products, but they really want to feel like you care, like your brand is relevant to their own needs. They want to see you be passionate, and when things go bad with the product or service they purchased from you, they want to know that you care enough to address their problems.

Perception is important. Your brand must be perceived as responsible, and relevant to the consumers. For you it’s about generating leads for your business and opening paths for exceptional customer service. For them it’s not. We manage sophisticated lead generation and lead nurturing campaigns that build data and deliver results while making the customers feel good about your brand.

Test Analyze Improve

Gathering customer intelligence and tracking the effectiveness of campaign components helps make smart business decisions. By capturing how customers share, retweet and like your information it’s possible to decide what’s effective, what’s not and where to allocate resources.

How would we enhance your Social Media Program?

We effectively use social networks for our business and for our clients. We have a strong understanding of marketing communications, how to effectively engage people and fulfill business objectives that are more diverse and challenging than simply growing fans. We understand metrics, ROI and how to analyse data critical to the campaign. We have the ability to delight your customers with customer facing skills. We can also solve problems or deal with irate customers flaming your brand. We have excellent written communication skills and create compelling content, powerful headlines and strong calls to action.

Our team of social media consultants understands the complete social media mix and how to make social an ongoing part of your marketing strategy. We will generate a positive return on your investment. We’d be delighted to understand your business and your goals. Please send us a note or call (517)358-6794 for a no obligation discussion.

Brand Management / Branding

Brand management is the art of impressions. The first impression most potential customers will have of your brand won’t be made in person, it will be made online or through advertising. Even after the first impression we continue to build the perception of our brand. Every time we advertise, promote or network. It’s occurring through our websites, social media, multimedia, and PR. Every one of these touches is critical to your brand.

Real Big Marketing is a strategic marketing and communications firm with deep experience in effectively building a brand. We’ve learned that the best way to build a brand is to take a holistic approach. To push and pull people with great information and coherent message. We follow four steps that should be a part of any brand management program. We call this Holistic Brand Management.

What do you mean by Holistic Brand Management?

Based on the old adage that proper planning prevents poor performance, branding a product or a company takes time, thought and effort. To achieve high returns, Brand Management with Real Big Marketing is delivered as an ongoing process, and very seldom as a single campaign.  Our holistic approach has four basic steps:

Target your ideal clients


We listen really well. We ask probing questions and perform a comprehensive Brand Audit. We evaluate the landscape and your online presence to determine how your brand is interpreted through the lenses of Google, Bing, Yahoo, We evaluate the way you interact with your clients and the social environment of your competition. We analyze your business’ needs and create marketing programs to meet them. We work hard to identify your ideal client and figure out why they connect with your brand.[divider_flat] Brand Management Strategy - Product Price Placement Promotion People Process Proof


Every marketing strategy is different because your clients and your needs are unique.  We expand the marketing mix to look at the best way to work. We go beyond product, price, placement and promotion to look at people, procedure and proof. Branding strategies are more than just rinsing and repeating from one client to the next. We know what works – not because we say so, but because the data supports it.[divider_flat]Execute


Strategy dictates technology and channel. We will work with your clients using the right tools for the job, without bias or a need to sell something because we, “come from an industry” or have a machine that must be fed. If your best clients are accessible by direct mail and end caps, then that’s where you’ll find us. If they’re available via social media and adwords, we’ll take you there  as well. Will they search for you online? Then amazing SEO and a quality website could be in order. We make it easy for your best clients to connect with your brand.[divider_flat] Real Big Marketing Delivers fantastic branding results


We will bring home the bacon for you. We will show you the data to prove results.[divider_flat]

Whether you’re starting from scratch or breathing new life into a brand that’s been around for some time, we have solid processes in place to deliver big ideas and real results. Our clients believe we are the best Brand Management firm in Michigan. Don’t take our word for it, check out what our clients have to say about our holistic approach to branding here.