Kyle’s WordCamp North Canton 2014 Presentations

This post is to be used as a reference for anyone who has attended my presentations at WordCamp North Canton or WordPress Ann Arbor. If you are reading this, it is likely that you attended one or both of my talks and are interested in reviewing the slides. Not too surprised as I have a terrible tendency to talk way too fast and cram too much into a presentation. Sorry.

Here are links to my two talks:

Theme Customization Best Practices

In the theme customizations talk we discussed what WordPress themes are, what child themes are, how they both work in relation to each other and then walked through several scenarios and talked about the ideal solution to each problem. In the Ann Arbor talk, we were unable to cover the final section of the presentation which dives into workflow best practices for development.

Enhancing the Admin UX for Clients

In the admin UX talk, I cover the reasons we as website creators need to very seriously consider the experience our clients have when they login to the sites we create for them. There are many consequences of bad admin UX and benefits of good admin UX and we discuss them here. Also covered are some practical examples of actions we can take to improve the admin UX.

Also, here’s a nice pic shared by Ross Johnson during the first talk at a meetup in Ann Arbor:

Talkin’ ’bout child themes

I also am very appreciative of all the wonderful people who took the time to compliment and provide feedback on the sessions. Here are some tweets from awesome people:

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