How to Say “Thank You” – Infographic

Supporting local, small businesses is an integral part of what Real Big Marketing is all about. It is why we love what we do and what made us want to do it in the first place. Every day, we get to help our clients grow their businesses and watch them achieve the success they have always dreamed about. It is truly special.

But the truth is, it doesn’t take a professional company like us to promote a business. We are able to do many things for our clients to ensure their success, but the ultimate promoter for any company is YOU! That’s right, YOU actually have tremendous power to help or hurt any business you have had an experience with.

We have such a passion for helping other businesses grow that we always encourage everyone we know to go the extra mile when it comes to thanking those who have provided us with great products and services. They deserve our gratitude and it goes a long way.

Now we have all heard the phrase “support local businesses”, but what exactly does that mean? To many it means simply buy products and services from local companies. This is, of course, an excellent thing to do. But is there more? Are there are other, easy ways we can show our support and appreciation to those who make our communities a better place? We believe the answer is yes, which is why we put together this infographic illustrating many easy ways that we are able to positively affect those businesses that we love. This can include so many things that take only seconds to do such as a Facebook “Like”, following a Twitter account, commenting on a video, sharing on social media sites or giving a star rating on a business review site. We strongly encourage you to reflect on this and consider taking a few moments of your time to help your favorite local businesses.



Feel free to share this with anyone and remember that is you really are thankful for a business, it is very easy to show it.

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