Contact Information:
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Steve Bennett is the co-founder and partner of Real Big Marketing. He is a proud father and husband. In his spare time he enjoys camping with his family and exploring the great outdoors. He’ll take the backpack before the suitcase any day. He’s also a technology buff, golf enthusiast and down-hill skiing wanna-be.
At work, Steve enjoys sharing his passion for White Hat marketing. He brings ideas that are unique to each situation and has a knack for understanding what works and what does not. His favorite quote is, “If you can’t do it right, don’t do it.”
Steve has been writing technically for over 15 years, He’s also managed sales, marketing research and direct marketing efforts for over 13 years. He is an engaging public speaker with a passion that is simply contagious.
Steve is a 1999 graduate of Western Michigan University’s Graphic and Printing Science (Imaging) program. He was Marketing Sherpa’s 2011 silver award winner – Best Integration of Email with Other Channels. Steve can occasionally be found on Twitter, @BigActual.